Take action
Vim script organising to-dos
On any line in a markdown file that starts with AR
, <Shift-Enter>
will add this line to the todo list, with the current date and the name of the originating file.
Alternatively, :AR
will do the same thing, regardless of how the line starts.
In the todo file all open action start in o
(lower case o). <Ctrl-a>
toggles o
to ✓
(check mark) and moves the line to under the # Done
heading, with the completion date appended.
In a markdown file take-action.md
AR Write a todo list
gets added to the todo.md
file as:
o Write a todo list (2 Jan 24) in: take-action.md o Do some actual work (1 Jan 20) in: day_job.md # DONE
1 Jan 2024 ✓ Think about a todo list (12 Aug 21) in: take-action.md
When the action is complete, <Ctrl-a>
toggles the o
to ✓
and moves the line to the # Done
o Do some actual work (1 Jan 20) in: day_job.md # DONE
05 Jan 2024 ✓ Write a todo list (2 Jan 24) in: take-action.md 1 Jan 2024 ✓ Think about a todo list (12 Aug 21) in: take-action.md
Add the following to your .vimrc
or other files that get sourced when starting vim.
command! AR call TakeAction()
fu! TakeAction()
let line = substitute(getline('.'), '^AR ', '', '')
let action = 'o '.line.' '.strftime(" (%d %b %y)").'\t in: '.expand('%:r')
execute "!sed -i '' '3s/^/".action."\\n/' $PATH/TO/YOUR/todo.md"
echomsg 'Action: "'.getline('.').'" taken'
For the <Ctrl-a>
mapping, add:
nnoremap <C-a> :call Toggle('+')<CR>
function! Toggle(change)
let cStr = matchstr(getline('.'), '\%' . col('.') . 'c.')
if (cStr == "o")
" move item to 'done' list
normal ciw✓
normal ddmo
/^# DONE\n/
normal j
r! date "+\%d \%b \%Y"
normal p`o
is the character under the cursor. If it is o
, it is replaced with ✓
and the line is moved to the # Done
section of the todo file. I use the <C-a>
and <C-x>
mappings for many other toggles, such as number increments or switching between True and False.
For the <Shift-Enter>
mapping, add something like:
function! Process()
if getline('.') =~ '^AR '
call TakeAction()
endif […] endfunction nnoremap <buffer><S-ENTER> :call Process()<CR>
inserts the action as the third line into the todo file (to leave space for a title)
Again, I use <S-Enter>
for many other things besides. Lines starting with >
get executed as shell commands. Otherwise it 'executes' the file depending on type (python is run, emails are sent, markdown turned into pdf or website…)